DANTE Niger Venustas
- D.O.B. 23.04.2017
- Interchampion
- Grand Champion of Slovakia
- Grand Champion of Poland
- Grand Champion of Ukraine
- Grand Champion of Czech Republic
- Champion of Hungary
- Champion of Romania
- Champion of Romania Cum Laudae
- Champion of Ukraine
- Champion of Czech Republic
- Champion of CMKU
- Champion of Poland
- Champion of Slovakia
- Junior Champion of Poland
- Junior Champion of Czech Republic
- Junior Champion of Slovakia
- Puppy class winner at World Dog Show Lipsk Germany 2017
- Junior Champion of Champions Bratislava Slovakia 2019
- Victory Junior Winner Bratislava Slovakia 2019
- National Winner of Czech Republic Olomouc 2019
- Winner of Poland Kielce 2019
- Epeiros Winner 2021
- 3 x Junior Winner
- 6 x CAJC
- 7 x Best Junior in Breed
- 9 x Best of Opposite Sex (BOS)
- 17 x Best of Breed (BOB)
- 3 x Best Dog in Breed (NDP)
- 3 x Best Minor Puppy in Breed
- Crufts Qualification 2020
- Junior BOG I place
- Junior BOG II place
- 3 x res. CAC
- 6 x CAC CMKU
- 20 x CACIB
- 2 x res. CACIB=CACIB
- 4 x res. CACIB
- 2 x BOG I place
- 1 x BOG II place
- 2 x BOG III place
- 1 x BIS I place
- 1 x BOS III place
- HU-N/N, JLPP-N/N, HD-A, ED-0/0
VEGAS Ter'Avalon
- D.O.B. 30.10.2020
- vice European Junior Winner Paris 2022
- Champion of Poland
- Champion of Hungary
- Champion of Slovenia
- Champion of Lithuania
- Champion of Romania
- Champion of Romania Cum Laudae
- Junior Champion of Slovakia
- Junior Champion of Poland
- Junior Champion of Hungary
- Junior Champion of Czech Republic
- Epeiros Junior Winner 2021
- Hungarian Derby Winner 2021
- Slovakian Victory Junior Winner 2022
- National Czech Republic Winner Ostrava 2022
- Winner of Slovakia 2022
- Winner of Poland 2022
- 1 x NSZCZwR
- 3 x Junior Winner
- 11 x NJwR
- 3 x CAC CMKU
- 3 x res. CAC
- 15 x CACIB
- 1 x res. CACIB=CACIB
- 5 x res. CACIB
- 8 x NDP
- 7 x BOS
- 11 x BOB
- Crufts Qualification 2022 x 2 i 2023 x 1
- HD-A, ED-0/0, HU-N/N, JLPP-N/N
DYNASTIA Niger Venustas
- D.O.B. 23.04.2017
- Champion of Poland
- Junior Champion of Slovakia
- Junior Champion of Poland
- Junior Champion of Czech Republic
- 3 x Junior Winner
- 3 x Best Junior in Breed
- 3 x Best of Opposite Sex (BOS)
- 1 x Best Female in Breed (NDS)
- 5 x CAJC
- 6 x CWC/CAC
- 2 x res. CAC
- HD-B, ED-0/0
- HD-B, ED-0/0 HU-N/HU, JLPP-N/N (by parents)
DAKOTA Niger Venustas
- D.O.B. 23.04.2017
- Interchampion
- Grand Champion of Poland
- Grand Champion of Slovakia
- Champion of Slovakia
- Champion of Romania
- Champion of Czech Republic
- Champion of Poland
- Champion of Ukraine
- Champion of Romania Cum Laudae
- 2 x CAC CMKU
- 2 x res. CAC
- 12 x CACIB
- 2 x res. CACIB=CACIB
- 4 x res. CACIB
- 6 x Best Female in Breed (NDS)
- 13 x Best of Opposite Sex (BOS)
- 1 x Best of Breed (BOB)
- National Winner of Czech Republic Olomouc 2019
- Crufts Qualification 2020
- HD-A, ED-0/0
- HD-B, ED-0/0 HU-N/HU, JLPP-N/N (by parents)
DOCH' ZHURNALISTA iz Chornih Bogatirey
- D.O.B.: 31.05.2021
- Champion of Hungary
- Junior Champion of Slovakia
- Junior Champion of Slovenia
- Junior Champion of Lithuania
- Junior Champion of Romania
- Junior Champion of Poland
- Junior Champion of Czech Republic
- Junior Trophy Winner of Slovakia
- Junior Winner of Slovakia
- European Dog Show Paris France 2022 - junior class: IV place
- Derby Winner Komarom Hungary 2022
- 15 x JCAC/CAJC
- 3 x Junior Winner
- 11 x NJwR
- 6 x CAC
- 2 x res. CACIB=CACIB
- 3 x res. CACIB
- 4 x BOS
- HU-N/N, JLPP-N/N (by parents)
BIRUTI z Galicyjskiej Ziemi
- D.O.B. 07.01.2012
- Interchampion
- Grand Champion of Slovakia
- Champion of Hungary
- Champion of Poland
- Champion of Slovakia
- Junior Champion of Poland
- Slovakia Winner 2016
- Crufts Qualification 2015
- 3 x Junior Winner
- 2 x Best Junior in Breed
- 6 x Best of Breed
- 23 x CWC/CAC
- 2 x res. CAC
- 2 x Winner
- 7 x CACIB
- 8 x res. CACIB
- 5 x Best of Opposite Sex
- 2 x Best Bitch
- Best Puppy
- Best Puppy in Breed Club Dog Show (BIS Puppy) - IV place
- HD-C, ED-0/0, HU-N/HU, JLPP-N/N
URANIA Magnateria
- D.O.B. 23.12.2014-2019
- Interchampion
- Champion of Hungary
- Champion of Lithuania
- Champion of Poland
- Champion of Czech Republic
- Champion of Slovakia
- Junior Champion of Poland
- Junior Champion of Czech Republic
- Junior Champion of Slovakia
- Crufts Qualification 2017
- 3 x Junior Winner
- National Winner Brno Czech Republic 2016
- 2 x NJwR
- 5 x BOS
- 2 x NDS
- 5 x CAJC
- 19 x CWC/CAC
- 4 x CACIB
- 1 x res. CACIB=CACIB
- 7 x res. CACIB
- 2 x BOB
- 1 x NSZCZwR
- BIS Puppy II place
- 6 x NMSZCZwR
- BIS Minor Puppy IV place
- BIS Minor Puppy III place
- HD-B, ED-0/0, HU-N/HU, JLPP-N/N